Outdoor palms are another great choice for many places. They will add an unquestionable tropical dominance to your home, hotel, or resort. However, they tend to be much more expensive, mostly due to the increased height of outdoor artificial palm trees. Some online stores will give you discounts for purchasing bulk loads of palm trees, as most establishments do have a need of multiple artificial palm trees. Selection tends to be slighly less diverse as well. Some popular outdoor trees include cycas palms (usually 4 to 8 feet in height), polybend palms (up to 12 feet tall, can be ordered to be heavily curved to very straight), phoenix palms (great natural looking palms that can be ordered very tall), arcea palms (shorter, but they have a wide and full plume), and outdoor fiberglass palms (these can be customized and be up to 20 feet, very expensive at around $1500, but very strong and durable). If you want to give your home or building that relaxing tropical outdoor look, then you should considering purchasing outdoor artificial palm trees.
Artificial palm trees can be found here http://www.artificialplantsandtrees.com/Artificial_Palm_Trees/artificial_palm_trees.html
With attention to detail, all these Palm Trees are realislic and natural looking. With reasonable prices and free shipping. http://www.mypalmbeachtrees.com/Palm-Trees
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